


Following the right leader is more important than hard work; at least it can save you 10 years of detours in your career.

As the saying goes, having someone in the court makes it easier to be an official!

It is well known that without a background and strong resources (connections), the promotion of civil servants largely relies on "enduring experience" and competing abilities! However, practice has proven that relying solely on personal effort may not lead you far! But following the right leader is more important than hard work! Because they will guide you in the right direction, saving you from unnecessary efforts! Being with the right people will empower you and lead to a better future; conversely, being with the wrong people will only drain you and hinder your progress! Ancient wisdom states: "It takes ten years to build a boat together, and a hundred years to share a pillow!" Isn't the fate in the workplace similar?

By following the right leader, they will push you onto the fast track of the officialdom! From then on, you will enter the "high-speed rail" era of the official path, cutting through thorns and speeding ahead...

What kind of leader is worth following?

  1. A leader with a broad vision
    In the workplace, encountering a leader with a broad vision is truly invaluable! Those who truly achieve greatness in their careers are often highly emotionally intelligent and have a broad perspective; they know when to advance and when to retreat. They can collaborate with different types of people and utilize others' resources to achieve their own goals; such a leader is worth following! Regardless of the industry, one must have sufficient strength to stand firm, but luck and the help of benefactors are also necessary! Otherwise, having strength alone will not be enough! In the workplace, you must keep your eyes open to discover leaders who have significant development potential, are willing to protect you at critical moments, and are eager to share the fruits of success with you!

  2. A leader who cares for subordinates
    A good leader's most notable characteristic is being strong and protective! They are accustomed to safeguarding the interests and dignity of their department and often have the ability to secure more development space for the department and more opportunities and benefits for subordinates! While personal relationships are not the only criterion for maintaining connections, they can be a catalyst for win-win cooperation! A good leader can think from the perspective of subordinates and employees, showing empathy in the details! They do not seek personal glory or shift blame; they only encourage and consult more—essentially, they persuade with reason and virtue! With such a leader, interpersonal relationships in the workplace are good, and the working environment is harmonious; it would be difficult not to progress!

  3. A leader who is kind-hearted
    Being kind to others, sincere, and charitable is a hallmark of a kind-hearted leader! Their kindness inspires trust, provides reassurance, and evokes emotion! A kind-hearted leader is pragmatic, adheres to principles, works diligently without seeking the limelight; they are smooth and clever in dealing with people, knowing when to be flexible and when to hold back! Kind-hearted leaders are not foolishly rigid; they are simply tolerant and sincere towards others, not retreating without principles, but rather understanding certain unintentional actions! Generally, kind-hearted leaders are broad-minded, harboring goodness and kindness; they can empathize and have an open heart! Many times, kindness can turn conflict into harmony and complexity into simplicity, serving as a shortcut to our path to success! Always remember: the person who holds an umbrella for you in the rain is the true benefactor in your life!

  4. A leader who shares experiences
    A good leader is willing to share many of their industry or networking resources with you! They will share some of their connections, bring you into their social circle, and help you clear the "path" for your career advancement! When I first started working, I was fortunate to have a great leader! Not only did he have rich experience in rural work and extensive knowledge, but he also showed great care for us newcomers! He generously taught us many important principles for navigating the workplace and shared many "techniques" for rural work, helping me avoid many "detours" and enabling significant progress in my career before the age of 30, laying a solid foundation for my future career development.

  5. A leader with self-respect and self-discipline
    The more self-disciplined a person is, the more successful they will be! The level of self-discipline often determines the height of your life! In society, some people enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle, treating indulgence as their life goal; others seek power and status, using unscrupulous means to find opportunities for advancement; and some merely go through the motions, treating survival as their goal! However, a good leader will not be swayed by external wealth; they understand the importance of self-cultivation and personal value, and they approach everything with composure, knowing what is important and avoiding negative influences, focusing intently on pursuing their life ideals and goals! Following such a leader, over time, we will naturally learn how to work better and seize opportunities! This is what is meant by "one who is close to vermilion will turn red"! Being with a leader who has self-respect and self-discipline will enlighten your thoughts and touch your spirit! Only by adhering to principles and boundaries in life will your path become a smooth and free journey!

Conclusion: Opportunities to change one's destiny are few; you are born once, marry once, and follow the right leader once—cherish it!

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