


According to EU regulations, Apple requires developers to provide real addresses and phone numbers, which will be published in the store later.

Apple recently sent a reminder to developers requesting them to provide updated real addresses and phone number data as soon as possible, because according to the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, Apple and other companies must verify and display the contact information of any distributors of digital applications.

Developers who release applications or games are considered "traders" by the EU, and as traders, they must disclose real data, including real addresses, valid phone numbers, and email addresses, to allow users (consumers) to contact the traders through this information.

Obviously, collecting and disclosing this information in the App Store is not Apple's intention, as it reveals too much real information for developers. However, based on the EU regulations, Apple must do so, and Google Play also requires the same.

For individual developers, they need to submit real addresses or postal mailbox addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses; for businesses, they only need to provide real phone numbers and email addresses, and this information will be displayed below each app's description.

This regulation has already sparked controversy, as many independent developers do not have studios or companies, so they can only submit and disclose their private real addresses to Apple. Apple has expressed its helplessness in this matter, as it is an EU regulation.

The only exemption is if the application does not generate any revenue, then it will not be considered a trader and does not need to provide this information. However, even if the app does not involve purchases and only includes ads, it still counts as a trader, so only developers who offer purely free/ad-free applications do not need to provide information.

Starting from October 16, 2024, developers must provide detailed information to publish or update applications. If developers fail to provide this information by February 17, 2025, Apple will remove the app from the App Store in the EU.

Note: This regulation is not limited to EU developers, but actually applies to global developers. As long as the app is available in the EU market, real information must be provided.

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.